SharePoint Search Configuration

We deliver high-quality custom SharePoint development solution on time within budget that help your business to accelerate and enhance software / application development.

SharePoint Search Configuration & Customization Solutions

While using the SharePoint, Enaviya lets you customize the search experience for users through Search Service application. There are various components available to search and to configure the search. The components are

  • Crawl Component : This component consists of crawls content sources which collect crawled properties and its metadata from crawled items.
  • Analytics processing component : This Component is used for search analytics and usage analytics.
  • Search administration component : This component processes for search and initializes new instance of search components
  • Query processing component : This component analyzes the incoming queries and helps to optimize precision, recall and relevance.

We substantiate that the SharePoint permits you to keep up strong review trails, rendition control, and client access control on all the financial backing/figure data and reporting administrations, guaranteeing exactness of the financial plans/estimates.

Budgeting and gauging procedures can be attached to automated workflows, which permit users to more effectively request budget changes and affirm consumptions. This enhances consistency and process durations of the procedure.