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Microsoft Exchange Server enables small and medium-sized companies to achieve greater reliability and improved performance with the simplified administration tasks such as calendaring, creating distribution lists, sending email messages, automatically having the voicemail transcriptions, giving messaging delivery reports, and archiving mail boxes.
Microsoft Exchange Server means never missing an appointment again. It will let customers know if you are out of the office today and when can they expect their reply. If you are on a holiday it allows designated colleagues to check your emails to ensure that important notifications aren't missed, and business continues as usual by enabling others to book your appointments and check your availability for that crucial meeting.
Microsoft Exchange Server enhances the productivity of staff by providing the users with access to their emails and communications from home, when they are away from their workplace or abroad. It increases productivity by simplifying communication and offers a rapid and an effective means of communication.
Microsoft Exchange Server offers greater security than mail or fax communications. It acts as a platform for companies to secure customer and confidential data and offers archiving, retention, and customer leakage protection features, in order to achieve and maintain compliance with government and industry regulations.
Exchange Server reduces communication costs as it is uses cost-effective methods to email a customer.