Application Development Services

Our team follows a great strategy to serve our clients to meet the business needs and make the level of support clear to the customer

Application Development on Remote Web Server

Remote PHP interpreter is used as a substitute of a local one which lets us run applications and PHP-based tools on a production environment. A tool like Vagrant will be used in both real and virtualized production server on a production environment. We can install only PHP storm on development machine, and run, debug and unit test on the Vagrant machine with remote PHP interpreters.

Strategies of our Services :

  • Our team follows a great strategy to serve our clients to meet the business needs
  • We manage customer expectations to make the level of support clear to the customer
  • We make easy for the customer to contact us by allowing our clients to email from the software itself
  • We are very responsive because faster we response the better we can achieve
  • We provide improvised user interface and documentation so that many times customer help themselves. We are enough proactive to seek feedback from customers

A remote interpreter can be configured in a similar way as the local one and can be specified using the PHP interpreter. This can act both as a local PHP installation or a remote PHP executable. A list of registered PHP Interpreters will be opened on clicking next to the selected interpreter. Cookies are a mechanism for storing data in the remote browser and thus tracking or identifying return users. The debugging and remote PHP Interpreters can start using our PHP interpreter once configured.